Health Coaching

We each have our own unique makeup and bio-individuality. I work with my clients one-on-one, couples, or small groups to help them reach their health and lifestyle goals. I support my clients to make step-by-step changes to their food and lifestyle so that they can permanently reach their goals. My promise is to make this an enjoyable and sustainable experience!

4 Month Detox Program

An amazing Foundational 4 Month Proven Detoxication Program to improve the health of the cells & organs.  If you’re dealing with low levels of chronic illness, infection, or symptoms that come and go, the foundational protocol is a great place to start. This 4 month, 4 step approach was created to help you touch on the main aspects of health restoration that are foundational for your success.  Start today to increase health and vitality. (Includes individualized coaching, Products must be purchased separately)

Program Price: $595.00


Individual Consultations

Discover the best ways to achieve your health goals during this personal, intimate consultation where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and develop a plan specific to your body type.

Initial Consultation Price: $150.00


Introductory Pre-Paid 3 Session Price: $300.00


Introductory Pre-Paid 10 Session Price: $1000.00


Continuing Individual Consultations Price: $95.00



Smart Shopping & Pantry Makeovers

Don’t let the aisles and aisles of choices at the grocery store intimidate you. Shop with confidence when you discover the secret to identifying healthy foods. Receive a suggested brand(s) shopping list and personalized attention during this fun shopping trip.

Cleaning out your pantry has never been this fun! During this interactive home consultation you and your family will learn how to read a nutrition label, which foods to consider replacing with healthier options, insightful cooking and shopping tips, and more!

Pantry Makeover Price: $90.00

Scientifically Based, Doctor Developed Nutrition Solutions

Take control of your health and learn simple, effective strategies to help prevent disease, sharpen thinking, boost energy, and more!